A New Role for Jamie Hart

A New Role for Jamie Hart

Jamie Hart has taken on a pivotal role as the head of gambling at Conquer Technology. Previously, he served as an executive director at Tabcorp and a director of innovation at William Hill. Hart's introduction to Conquer Technology came through an innovation competition at William Hill, where he met Conquer Technology's CCO, David Carter.

Focus on Small-Scale Innovation

Conquer Technology is carving a niche for itself with a dedicated focus on small-scale technical innovation. As a full-service development studio, the company assists firms in navigating the intricate world of gambling regulation and Know Your Customer (KYC) protocols. Additionally, Conquer Technology develops new betting products and bet types, providing operators with the freedom to experiment and innovate without enduring substantial financial and operational burdens.

Challenges and Opportunities

Jamie Hart is acutely aware of the challenges facing the gambling industry. Operators often find it challenging to experiment and test new ideas due to the complexities of handling everything in-house, which leads to bureaucratic delays and increased costs. In this context, outsourcing efforts to Conquer Technology emerges as a quicker and cheaper alternative.

The intricacies of managing projects within gambling companies have amplified over the years, with more people involved in projects today than two decades ago. Conquer Technology aims to simplify the operational landscape for operators, making it easier for them to push the boundaries of innovation.

A Vision for the Future

Jamie Hart is determined to address more than just the challenges associated with the Tote’s product, which has proven difficult to innovate. His new role at Conquer Technology offers a broader scope to implement his vision for the gambling industry. The company is committed to assisting firms in adapting to the ever-changing regulatory landscapes.

The launch of Conquer Technology's gambling division is a significant milestone for both the company and the industry. By empowering operators to push the boundaries of innovation in gambling, Conquer Technology is positioning itself as a key player in the sector. All eyes will be on Jamie Hart and his team as they execute their ambitious plans.

Jamie Hart's Quotes

"Integration is typically the biggest issue for betting companies, and that will be our number one target," said Hart, highlighting a critical challenge that Conquer Technology aims to tackle. He further elaborated, "It might be quicker and cheaper to do those with us than in-house," underscoring the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of their outsourcing model.

Reflecting on the increased complexity within the industry, Hart noted, "There certainly seem to be a lot more people involved in projects now than there were 20 years ago. I'm hoping we can provide a unique outsourcing model." His vision for change is clear: "There’s a lot more I want to do and change in gambling, and the Tote’s product was difficult to innovate."

As Conquer Technology continues to support firms navigating the regulatory tides and fostering innovation, Jamie Hart’s leadership is poised to bring about significant advancements within the gambling industry.